
Cat Jewelry

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Why Cats Scratch

Are your chairs, window screens, and rugs all turning to confetti beneath your cat's lethal claws? If so, you may be wondering how you can stop this behavior.

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Cat Collars and Leashes

While almost everyone walks their dog, few people walk their cats. However, cats can learn to walk on a leash.

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The Cat Bath - How To Wash Your Cat

Everyone knows that cats absolutely hate water, so why on earth would someone want to bathe their cat?

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Choosing a Bed for Your Cat - The Perfect Place to Cat Nap

Are you tired of cat hair on the counters, footprints on the windowsills, and rumpled pillows? If so, you may want to consider giving your cat his own resting spot.

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Cat Feeders and Bowls

While cats do have a reputation as finicky eaters, few cats really insist on dining from fine crystal bowls.

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Cat Flea Control - Get Rid of Those Itchy Insects

Has your cat become infested with fleas or ticks? If his buggy skin has been keeping you up all night,

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Cat Grooming - Keep Your Cat Looking Great

Cats do not like to be dirty. Most cats spend a good part of their day licking their paws and face to stay clean and tidy. However, despite this, few cat owners think about grooming their cats.

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Common Cat Health Problems

If you've never owned a cat before, you may not realize that cats can suffer from quite a few different health problems. Some of these problems are easily preventable, while others are hereditary.

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Buying a Cat - Are You Ready

So,you've decided that you want to have a pet cat. However, before you shop for your kitten, you may need to consider a few important things.

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Feeding Your Cat - Make Sure Your Cat Gets the Nutrition He Needs

So, you have a new kitten. You can just dump some cat food in a bowl and get on with your life, right? Well, there's a bit more to the process than this.

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