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Bonsai - Containers

The Japanese have a word, 'wa', that roughly translates to 'harmony'. It refers to relations between individuals, and man and nature. But it can also refer to the elements comprising a work of art.

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Bonsai - Fruit Trees as Bonsai

While conifers and some deciduous trees make up the majority of bonsai, there are several fruit tree species that make delightful samples.

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Bonsai - How To Care For - Blue Junipers

Junipers are, along with pine, another of the common species sought by beginning bonsai enthusiasts. And for good reason: it's a beautiful species that tolerates a wide variety of conditions well.

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Bonsai - How To Care For - Maple

Maples come in a variety of sub-species, but all of them make beautiful bonsai trees. Slightly more difficult to care for, they are nonetheless greatly in demand by bonsai enthusiasts.

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Bonsai - How To Care For: White Pine

Though no bonsai is easy to train or care for, pine is among the easier species. More tolerant to drying, they adapt well to a pot and often require only regular trimming and biannual repotting.

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Bonsai - How To Grow Your Own Bonsai - Preparing Seeds

Most beginning bonsai artists will purchase a tree at some stage of development and gradually learn to care for it. The novice will graduate later to pruning, wiring and other more advanced practices.

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Bonsai - Introduction To the Living Art

Say 'art' and most will think of painting or sculpture. There is a kind of sculpture, though, that takes as its raw material not stone or wood but a living tree. That is the art of bonsai.

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Bonsai - The History of a Living Art

The craft of shaping miniature trees in a small pot first arose over a thousand years ago in China, where it was known as pun-sai.

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Bonsai - Tools For A Lifetime: The Essentials

Bonsai is in a way like photography - it is possible to buy dozens of expensive 'add-ons' to the basic equipment. Some of these are helpful, others merely give you the feeling that 'Gee, I'm really an artist'. Tools do not make the artist - the artist uses tools.

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Bonsai - Unusual Styles

Beyond the basic styles of bonsai tree art, there are many wonderful variations. The individual aesthetic that each artist brings to the work allows for an infinite variety of forms.

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